Mobile Demo application

Home page icon for Android:

To place your demo mobile application shortcut on your Home screen - add this page to the Chrome Bookmarks, then - open Bookmarks, long tap on the bookmark, and select 'Add to home screen'

For some Android versions that approach is not working. In that case use one of the below ways to start your mobile demo:

- Start iGdemo application, open 'Mobile Apps' list, Find your demo in the list and start it

1. In the Android iGDemo application open app settings (use the 'gear' icon on tablet, or slide right on mobile)
2. In the settings
  a. Check 'Use Custom Skin' option
  b. Set the option 'Custom App path' to 'skins/wizard//'
3. Restart iGDemo application - it will be started as your demo demo

IMPORTANT! Please check the value of 'Proxy URL' option in iGDemo settings, it must be empty. Use the 'gear' icon on tablet, or slide right on mobile to open iGDemo Settings.
Restart the application after the settings change.